Test Platform 2.0
(to compare)N/A
For full testing details and how we came to the results show here, see how we test here. Data last updated 9/29/2020.
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Remember to select the correct bulb type for your vehicle.
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± Kits which experienced flicker during burn-in and testing had 1/2 star removed from the overall score.
HID BULB INSTALLATION TIP: Wear gloves, NEVER touch the glass with your bare hands! Oil drastically shortens the life of the bulb. Use a microfiber cloth and rubbing alcohol to clean the glass if necessary.
*DISCLAIMER: Please review our Terms & Conditions before viewing any results on this page. You agree to use any and all products listed on this entire website at your own risk. BulbFacts claims no responsibility for injury or death for any type of use of listed products. BulbFacts accepts no liability for any misuse of any headlight, foglight, or lighting product. Certain headlights may be restricted by law for use only in certain conditions such as off-road use only. You must check with your local law enforcement agency prior to making any modifications to your vehicle's lighting systems.
Don't forget to check out our complete HID Kit Reviews with videos!